GitHub: mmdjiji/makefile-learning.
What is makefile? Most Windows developers don’t know this, and it is useful in Linux development. Most often, the makefile directs Make on how to compile and link a program.
GitHub: mmdjiji/makefile-learning.
What is makefile? Most Windows developers don’t know this, and it is useful in Linux development. Most often, the makefile directs Make on how to compile and link a program.
本文中的Ubuntu版本为 Ubuntu 18.04 。
ROS版本 | 推荐Ubuntu版本 | 发布时间 | 停止支持时间 |
ROS Kinetic | Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial) | 2016年5月 | 2021年4月 |
ROS Melodic | Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic) | 2018年5月 | 2023年5月 |
ROS Noetic | Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal) | 2020年5月 | 2025年5月 |
本文的Ubuntu版本为 Ubuntu 18.04 ,故安装 ROS Melodic 。
本文使用CUDA版本为 CUDA Toolkit 10.2 ,本文的Ubuntu版本为 Ubuntu 18.04 。
Author: JiJi, XiaoZhuo, Accelerat0r. All rights reserved.
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因此flag为 moectf{W3lc0me-T0_th3-W0rld_Of_R3v3rsE!}
Nezzar's favorite digit among $1,…,9$ is $d$. He calls a positive integer lucky if $d$ occurs at least once in its decimal representation.
Nezzar has $n$ balls, numbered with integers $1,2,…,n$. Numbers $a_1,a_2,…,a_n$ are written on them, respectively. Numbers on those balls form a non-decreasing sequence, which means that $a_i≤a_{i+1}$ for all $1≤i<n$.
Polycarp remembered the $2020$-th year, and he is happy with the arrival of the new $2021$-th year. To remember such a wonderful moment, Polycarp wants to represent the number $n$ as the sum of a certain number of $2020$ and a certain number of $2021$.
You are given an integer $n$. Check if $n$ has an odd divisor, greater than one (does there exist such a number $x$ ($x>1$) that $n$ is divisible by $x$ and $x$ is odd).